Tuesday, January 19, 2016

You Control YOUR MONEY

Save Your Money
When you retain the Price Debt Network to resolve your debts, you pay nothing to us, or anyone for that matter.  Unlike other consolidation companies, who set up automatic withdrawals, we advise you to Control Your Own Money.

  • Open a Savings Account
    • Stop making payments to your *creditors.
    • Money that you were spending on minimum monthly payments can now be saved.
    • Why pay a debt consolidation company?  --Control Your Own Money!
Did you know, when you hire on a Freedom Debt Relief or any consolidation company, they probe you on your financial circumstance, require you to initiate a deposit with practically all of the availability that you may have and then set up automatic monthly payments to build your bank?!

Why?!  You can do this yourself.  Did you know that once you pay them, they do not contact your creditors?  They don't make any payments to your creditors, at all.  They just sit on the cash, collect interest in some cases, and wait!  As your credit worsens, they just notify your creditors to contact them, instead of you directly.

Well yes, this does relieve you of some stress and harassing phone calls, but what are you really accomplishing?  In fact creditors are Not Required to communicate with the consolidation company.  You may be surprised many months later when those collection agencies start contacting you and threaten lawsuit.  What are you paying for?

  • Price Debt Makes it Easy
    • We notify your creditors and put them on notice that we will act as your Attorney-In-Fact.
    • As you save your money, if you do need emergency cash, You Have It!
    • Price Debt Will Contact Your Creditors and go to bat for you to settle your debts at the Best Price - Your Price!!!
These other debt consolidation companies generally hire on customer service operators who field calls.  The people actually working with the creditors are Not the representatives who convinced you to join their company.  Moreover, they do not fight to reduce your balance - Their efforts are lackadaisical!

At Price Debt, generally the person you speak with will be the same person who communicates directly with your creditors.  Additionally, your Negotiation Specialist will receive assistance from our Senior Staff.  Therefore, the attention put into your accounts will be personal, professional and aggressive.  In the end, the total amount you will pay to resolve your debt Will Be Significantly Less, than what you would be able to do on your own or with any other company.

  • Moral Obligation
    • You do have a moral obligation to pay your debts.  Unfortunate financial circumstances lead to your demise but recovering for the long term will help you sleep at night. 
*Creditors - The list of creditors that you refer to the Price Debt Network should be those debts that you do wish to settle for less and close.  You are NOT required to send us all of your accounts.  It's Your Choice and we are here to Help!

Call PRICE DEBT today to see how we may be able to help you:

(800) 931-6920

Thursday, December 17, 2015

Top Reasons to Settle Your Debt:

  • Save Money
    • Stop the bleeding (Interest and Fees)!
    • *Contact Price Debt for strategic timing to resolve your account.
  • Improve Your Credit
    • 90 days without payment could affect your credit score by 100 points or more!
    • Obtaining financing with unresolved debt may be difficult, if not impossible!
  • Stave Off Litigation / Avoid Judgment
    • Creditors may execute judgments: Garnish Wages, Levy Bank Accounts and/or Liens filed against assets (Property).
    • Selling or refinancing a loan which has an abstract against it may result in paying off the entire judgment amount first.  You could be left with nothing...  
  • Stop the Harrassment
    • No need for explanation.

New Customers




Monday, November 16, 2015


Life was going swell.  No credit card debt, current on your house payment and your income was steady.  You decided to buy a Boat, an RV or a New/Used Car.  However, after a few payments you quickly found out that with storage, insurance and gas for your luxury item, you could no longer afford the monthly payment.  Maybe your furnace went out and you needed the money to stave off the deep freeze.

Two months of non-payment can quickly lead to Repossession.  You tried working with the bank directly and although you escaped by with a one month solution, if the matter was not readily cured, the Repo Man comes out with little warning, tows your equipment and brings it back to the bank where they will quickly auction it off.

The good news is, you are now out of the long term loan.  The bad news is, you still owe the remaining unpaid principal balance plus auction fees and interest.

Maybe you had a 15 year loan for your Boat or RV and this happened 7 years into the term.  You paid tens of thousands of dollars over this period of time but now you are receiving collection notices for the deficiency balance.  The original loan amount could have been $40k, and you may have nearly paid that amount in totality, but it wouldn't be uncommon for you to still owe $25k.

How could this happen?  Your payment was only $400 a month but now the bank wants $25k!  You are upset, frustrated and blame the bank.  You tell them to eat dirt, your not paying.  But what happens if you don't?

First, please know that they bank must react.  The asset value of your equipment drops rapidly.  They bank lent you the money and in turn paid the dealer for your right to have the equipment.  You cannot count interest.  Your starting balance is what is owed today on the loan.  The Bank is out all of this money, not the dealer.  At auction, another dealer may swoop in, buy your equipment for under fair value and then resell your equipment to another buyer.

Who loses?  The bank does!  But, you signed the personal guaranty, so you must resolve the deficiency otherwise the bank may file a lawsuit.  If you work and/or own property, they do have remedies to reclaim the judgment award. 

At the Price Debt Network, yes, we handle that!  Contact our office today and settle that $25k deficiency for a fair amount.  We understand that it won't be easy, because if it were, the repo would never have happened in the first place.  But since it did, rely on us to negotiate the best possible outcome on your behalf, before it really is too late. 

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Starting Balance

Your Starting Balance is your Current Balance Due; TODAY!

So you have faithfully paid thousands of dollars on your cell phone bill over the years but over the past few months you hit hard times and the phone company shut you off.  In doing so they assess penalty fees, charge you an early termination fee and now all of a sudden you are on the hook for $750 for something you no longer have or could benefit from...

Maybe you are a business owner and you have paid tens of thousands of dollars to a vendor over the past decade.  Unfortunately the economy crippled your business and you were forced to close your doors.  However, you signed a personal guaranty with the vendor and now they want their money or they threaten to sue you.  Bankruptcy may not make sense because you have good equity value in your home...

Bottom Line, although you have paid all this money in the past, 100% begins with the current balance due today.  Therefore, if the inevitable is forthcoming, start taking a proactive approach.  It makes no sense to make a minimal payments on your credit cards because you are depleting your cash flow.

For example; Let's say you owe XYZ Company $5,000.  In January you realize that your doom is coming but you want to show good faith and make minimal payments in the meantime.  You budget $200 a month but by October you can no longer afford this payment.  You paid $2,000 total but you are still left with a $4,000 balance due to interest and late fees.  Three months later, the account goes into charge-off status and soon thereafter, collection agencies or attorneys are after you, collecting on a balance now over $5,000.

This scenario is typical.  Your starting balance is $5,000, despite what you paid in the past.

On the other hand, if you elected to stop paying in January, you could have saved the $2,000.  The process to collections would have been quicker, which in the end will help you achieve resolution that much faster.

Retaining Price Debt sooner, rather than later, will help guide you to a Starting Position on the inside of the track.  As a reminder, you Pay Nothing to Price Debt until your debt is resolved and you only make the payment that you agree to!

With Price Debt, we may be able to settle this account for you in October for $2,500 (50%).  If you act on your own, it may be October of the next year and perhaps you work out a settlement on your own for $3,500.  But, don't forget you already paid $2,000 additionally, so in essence you are paying an extra $3,000 to settle this account versus what we could have done for you.  Moreover, by not going with PDN, you would be deleting this off your record a year later, which means you are one year behind on your goals and $3k behind in net from where you could have been if you had contacted us first.

There are many scenarios like this.  Just know, your Starting Balance is Today's balance.  The collector on the other side may say making those payments will bode well for you in the future, but it's simply not true.  You have to keep the lights on and food on your table.  Creditors will work with you, us, but you have to be patient and don't lose sleep over their threats.  They can be convincing, which is what they do get paid to do.  In some cases, their threats have merit.  But again, if you contact PDN early enough, we can help stave off these actions.  In final, we direct all of the threatening collection calls to us, therefore those creditors by law cannot contact (harass) you.

Rest easy, call Price Debt: (800) 931-6920

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Debt Strategy

You are drowning in debt and barely making your minimum credit card payments each month?  Your intention is to stop using the card but with the random gas fill up and added interest, your balances are just not going lower!


  • Bankruptcy
  • Just Keep Paying
  • Judgment
  • PriceDebt

If you don't mind the 10 Year scar on your credit and the future credit rejections you will face, sure, bankruptcy is an option.  Here's the problem though; if you have more than $150k equity value in your home, a Chapter 7 BK may need to become a Chapter 13 Filing, which means that in addition to court costs and attorney fees for the bankruptcy, you will end up settling your debt at a certain allocation schedule.  BK could also make it very difficult to buy a home or even rent.  It could affect the outcome of a job that you applied for.  Bankruptcy may be a viable option for some, but we have another idea...

Just Keep Paying:
No!  Unless you are planning on a great job promotion, an inheritance or winning the lottery, this plan is a trap.  Twenty years from now when you own your home, your net worth will be offset by your debt.  At some point you will need to resolve it and in the meantime you are paying the banks interest, late fees and over limit fees for this privilege.  Your intentions may be well, but...

Stop paying, do nothing and eventually, it will catch up with you.  Please read Settle Your Judgment for more information.  Yes, you can always settle after the fact but, there is a better strategy...

So you have the moral obligation to pay your bills but at the rate you are going, you are losing sleep, wasting money and do not have the extra funds to take those weekend getaways.  It's unfortunate that you got into this mess, but you are not alone.  It's time to take a proactive approach and really think long term.

  • Current Credit Score: 650 or below
    • Even if you haven't missed any payments, your credit score is likely sub 700.
    • Your perfect on your mortgage but your credit cards are near limits.
    • Once you go over 40% of your credit availability, you are on radar!
    • Let's say you Just Keep Paying and on one random month you bring your $10k CC down to $5k because you dedicated your tax return to make a dent on your debt.
      • Uh Oh!  The bank reduced your credit limit from $10k to $5k!
      • You were hoping to reuse a couple thousand of that limit to fund other purchases.  Perhaps you were excited about the 2% rewards your card offers.
        • Is your interest rate higher than 2%?
        • What rewards?
  • Strategy to bring your credit score back to 650 and above!
    • Let's be realistic.  You are not going to have an 800 credit score unless you pay all your bills in full and even then your credit score will only slowly climb above 700.  It will take years to recover...
    • To clean a desk you need to empty the drawer, make it messier and then straighten it up.
      • Sign up with PriceDebt, stop paying these bills and let us handle it.
      • Now, don't go spending all of your extra cash flow each month.  Tuck some under the pillow as you will need this to settle later.
      • Let's be brutally honest, this is a very hard decision to make, but it is a necessary one for you.
      • Restore your happiness and health!
      • Feel no guilt!
        • Did you know that when you settle your accounts, the money recovered is going back into the economy?  You can feel good about this!
        • You are giving collection agencies, attorneys and PriceDebt a job!
        • This is good for the economy.  More money to go around which helps keep costs down.
  • Warning
    • Try this on your own and do it wrong, you may be sued and could lose your home as a result (abstract lien)!
      • Okay, this is drastic, but be forewarned.
    • Understand that your credit score will drop initially but in time it will be repaired.  
    • Most importantly, you will be debt free!
  • Example
    • Let's say owe $40k.  If you can afford to pay $550 a month for 36 months, you will pay $20k total.  Hmm, what if that was enough to settle this debt?
    • Let's say you keep paying the $550 a month for 36 months directly to your creditors.  Would your balance be $30k+ or $0.00?
    • If you don't settle, your balance will be $30k and your credit score will be in the low 600's.
    • If you do settle, your balance will be zero and your credit score will be in the mid 600's.
  • Decision
    • You need to be open minded and rely on us for the best timing.  It's best to approach us immediately but if you are already into it, that is okay too.  We can help resolve all circumstances.
    • We recommend that with this process, keep one or two small balance credit cards in addition to department store cards.  However, do not keep the any high balance department store card.  The interest rates are always higher and they are more difficult to settle.

The purpose of this post is to give you an idea of where you could be at a few years from now versus where you are today.  Everything is risky but we do minimize your risk because we do not take any money until your creditor(s) agree to settle.

We can help with business debt, repossessions and just about anything.  We are experts in resolving debt.  We've been negotiating settlements for years and we know how to get you out from under your debt so you can have your life back.  Perhaps you will retire a few years earlier because you made this decision today rather than waiting for the inevitable.  It's your choice.  Don't let the banks scare you.  Have you tried calling them?  You will wait on hold forever and they will put you through a lengthy process.  In some cases they will say congratulations by reverting your interest rate to 0% or knock off 20% of the balance due.  It seems better than where you are at without their hardship relief but know, we will go to bat for you and achieve better results.  Take the leap of faith and call us.  We will support you and get you the deal you deserve!


Settle Your Judgment!

It's not too late!  If your creditor has already won a court ordered judgment against you, we can help you settle the judgment for less than the awarded amount.

In most states creditors may file an Application for Renewal of Judgment.  Therefore you cannot count on or expect the judgment to just go away.   Having a judgment lurking over you long term may prevent you from refinancing/selling your home or obtaining a car loan at a reasonable interest rate.  So, what exactly happens once a creditor does win a judgment?

The creditor may complete a Writ of Execution.  Legislation in each state is slightly different but generally the creditor may have the right to:

  • Levy your Bank Accounts
  • Garnish your Wages (Up to 25% of your Paycheck)
  • File a Lien against your Property 

If you own a business the creditor can pay the local sheriff to "Till Tap" your cash register or hire a "Keeper" who will collect the cash receipts of the business to repay the judgment award plus fees.  This is detrimental to businesses who rely on such cash flow to survive their operations.

How Can PriceDebt Help You?
Once you appoint Price Debt as your Attorney-In-Fact we will contact your creditor or the attorney of your creditor to help achieve an amicable resolution.  You, as our client, Name the Price to Settle your Judgment.  Just tell us how much you are willing and/or able to pay and we will work with your offer to negotiate settlement.  Settlements can be offered in lump sums or over payment terms.  You pay us Nothing up front.  We are incentivized to get the deal done as we will be working for free up until the point that the settlement is agreed upon and placed in writing accordingly.  Once a settlement is approved, you only pay the amount that you agreed to pay as our fee will already be factored into your offer.  If settlement cannot be reached, you pay nothing.  Essentially, this process is risk free. 

Other Things You Should Know:
If you have sold your home and you do have a judgment against you, be certain that when the sale goes through escrow the awarded judgment amount will be paid to the creditor before you receive the funding that you were anticipating.  Do not wait to the last minute!  If the creditor becomes aware that you are selling your home, why would they want to settle the judgment for less?  The large banks can afford to wait for this prize, at your expense.  Perhaps the sale of your home was intended to fund your retirement.  Or, maybe you were selling your home and rolling the money into a new property.  If the creditor takes this money, you just lost your down payment.

Satisfaction of Judgment!
Settlement accomplished!  At Price Debt we will make sure that not only is your account settled in full, but we will be diligent to ensure that the creditor's attorney files a Satisfaction of Judgment with the courts.  If this process is not done correctly, you may experience problems with the judgment in the future.

Why PriceDebt?
Don't try to act on your own.  We have experience in negotiating settlements and in many cases, we have relationships with creditors, agencies and attorneys.  We alleviate your time and stress from dealing with the negotiation process and we will find you the best price and ensure that the process is handled correctly.

Sign Up Today:

Complete the online form at: www.pricedebt.com/enroll

or call us at: 800-931-6920

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

You Name the Price to SETTLE Your Debt!


At the Price Debt Network we help Consumers and Businesses Settle their Debt for less than the owing balance.  Our service is Free!  You Pay Nothing until your Debt is Settled!

To begin, please complete the Enroll Form where you may provide the details of your Debt and "Name the Price to SETTLE you Debt".

Phone: (800) 931-6920
Email: settle@pricedebt.com